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Pickled Green Chillies

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This is one item that is a MUST when eating wanton soup or dry noodles...Oh yes, and also Cantonese fried noodles, say Khar Eng, my sister-in-law.  Oh course it's also a great accompaniment when we eat the Teluk Intan infamous Chee Cheong Fun.
Although we can easily buy pickled green chillies in the supermarkets, home-made pickled chillies always taste so much better, crunchier  and fresher without the preservatives and other additives. This is my first time making pickled green chillies at home and I was pleasantly surprised that it just took 10 to 15 minutes to prepare and the chillies were ready practically overnight.  Everyone should have a jar of this in their fridge at all times.


  • 200g Green chillies
  • 1 cup (250 ml)  Rice vinegar
  • 1/2 cup (100g) Caster sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon Fine salt

  1. Wash and drained the green chillies.  Cut into 3mm slices,
  2. Pour very hot water over the sliced chillies.  Let stand for 10 seconds.  Then drained well.  
  3. Then place the cut chillies in a clean and dry glass jar.
  4. Dissolve sugar and salt in the vinegar.      
  5. Pour the vinegar mixture into the jar to pickle the chillies.
  6. The chillies will be ready in just after 2 hours.  

These green chillies are washed properly, dried and wiped with a clean cloth.

The green chillies are sliced into about 3 mm pieces.

The cut chillies are drained well on a coriander after soaking in hot boiled water for about 10 seconds.

Cut green chillies are placed in a clean and dry glass jar.

SOoooooo appetizing!   Certainly a very delicious pickle! 

SO ...... ENJOY!

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