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Steamed Minced Pork With Salted Fish


This is one humble home-cooked dish that brings back nostalgic memories.  It is also one of the most well-loved of Cantonese dishes.  Traditionally, minced pork with some bits of fat is preferred, as the meat patty will be more moist, tender and flavourful.  However, to keep to the healthier side of food, lean minced pork can also be used.  The flavour and texture is still as good.


  • 200g minced pork
  • 2 shitake mushrooms ( soak in water till soft, chopped finely )
  • 2 water chestnuts ( finely chopped )
  • 1 thumb-size salted fish ( rinse, fried briefly and cut into small pieces )
  • 1 teaspoon ginger ( grated )
  • 1 teaspoon shredded ginger
  • 1 teaspoon chopped spring onion ( garnish )


  • 1 - 2 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon cooking wine ( Hua Tiao Chiew )
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • Pinch of salt 
  • Dash of pepper
  • 1 - 2  tablespoons water
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon garlic / shallot oil ( to drizzle on the top of meat before steaming )


  1. Marinade the minced pork with the seasonings.  Stir to incorporate well.  
  2. Then add the water so that the meat absorbs more moisture and expands to a lighter texture.
  3. Then mix in the chopped mushrooms, water chestnuts, grated ginger and half the salted fish.  Stir in circles to combine well, ( can use a pair of chopsticks ).  The pork mixture should come together and slightly sticky and mushy paste.
  4. Spread and press the meat patty evenly into a heat proof plate using the back of a tablespoon.  A thickness of 1 cm for the meat patty is ideal ( not too thick or thin ).  Leave a small gap from the edge of the plate, as the meat patty will release its juices and seasonings as it steamed.  
  5. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour or set aside. (This is for the purpose of better texture and flavour ).
  6. Before steaming, sprinkle the remaining salted fish and shredded ginger on top of the meat patty.  Then drizzle the top with garlic / shallot oil.
  7. Steam, covered over high heat about 10 minutes or until cook through.  ( test by poking a fork through the patty to check if the meat has cooked through.
  8. Garnish with the chopped spring onions and serve immediately.

To cook this dish:
Prepare and chop the ingredients required

Pan fry a piece of salted fish

Chop into small pieces

Minced the pork, preferably by hand.  Also use very fresh pork. It really makes the difference

Marinate the minced pork with seasonings

Stir in circles with chopsticks until the pork comes together.  Then add water.

Add the chopped ingredients and half the salted fish, mix in the same way .. In circles, same direction

Then the cornstarch. The pork will get sticker as you stir everything together.

Press the pork patty into a steaming plate, 1 cm thickness is ideal and smooth the top.  Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Remove the minced pork from fridge before steaming

Sprinkle the other half of salted fish and shredded ginger on the top.  Drizzle with garlic oil.

Steam, covered, over high heat for 10 minutes.  Garnish with chopped spring onion.

Serve immediately!

This dish is best served with rice.  However, for a healthier lifestyle we had it with hot oat porridge!

As always ...... ENJOY!


  1. Must be flavourful with the salted fish....another version I like is with salted eggs.

  2. Yes, the salted egg version is also very flavourful. Thanks for your thoughts Esther
