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Steamed Mince Meat With Three Colour Eggs


Steam egg is a popular Chinese homemade dish.  It can be steamed in a rice cooker and it can also be cooked in a wok or steamer.  The results are always the same .... soft and silky with a smooth surface texture.  This dish is a traditional version of the popular Chinese steam egg recipe but with minced pork, salted egg yolk and century egg added ..... Hence the name: steamed pork with three colour eggs.

  • 3 Chicken eggs ( lightly beaten )
  • 1 Salted egg yolk ( cut into chunks )
  • 1 Salted egg white
  • 1 Century egg ( cut into chunks )
  • 150 -250 ml Hot water ( measure water using eggshell method, ie for 1 egg fill half an eggshell 3 times with water)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • Dash of pepper and chicken stock granules

  • 1 tablespoon Chopped spring onion
  • 1 tablespoon Fried garlic oil / sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon Light soy sauce

  1. In a mixing bowl, lightly beat the 3 eggs and salted egg white.
  2. Next add in the water and mixed well.
  3. Then add the cut egg yolk and century egg.
  4. Mix well and pour the egg mixtures  into an 8"- 9" steaming plate. 
  5. Steam at medium to low heat for about 10 minutes or until the egg has set and just firm. It's recommended to check for doneness so that it will not be overcooked.
  6. Remove from steamer, sprinkle the oil, chopped onions and soy sauce on top.
  7. Serve immediately.

Recipe uses chicken eggs, salted egg and century egg

The salted egg ( red), chicken eggs ( yellow) and century egg ( black ) .... The stars for this recipe

Salted egg yolk and century egg cut into chunks

Ingredients for this dish: 3 types of eggs, minced pork, salt, pepper and chicken granules 

Garnish for the dish: soy sauce, chopped onions, fried garlic and garlic oil.

Chicken eggs and salted egg white lightly beaten and hot water added

Mixed well the egg mixtures with the egg chunks, salt, pepper and chicken granules.

Pour into a steaming plate and place on steaming rack in a wok filled with boiling water.

Steam until egg is set and just firm on medium or low heat.  Top with soy sauce, chopped onions, fried garlic and garlic oil.  Can drizzle some sesame oil for extra flavour.

Serve immediately hot with rice.  So ....... Enjoy!


  1. Your steamed eggs look good. I always find it difficult as you need to master the steaming time and the water proportion of the mixture well.

  2. You're right. please refer to my blog. Ratio is 1.5:1 (use the egg method mention in my blog. Use medium to low heat to steam. make sure you keep an eye on the egg when about set. thanks
